Sunday, January 17, 2016


WHooo procrastinating for studying for finals. This is fun. Here are some things I've been working on. I got annoyed with the bag because it really looks like there is absolutely no pattern forming. This is probably due to a counting mishap, but I think I'll try to go back to it. I started a scarf with a checkered pattern. You can't really see a lot of it yet, but the scarf is the blue and black one. So fun.

I was thinking about filibusters today because I was studying for my Government final and I'm going to talk about it now. I think filibusters are so cool. It shows they have such a passion for government that they will literally just talk non-stop about it to show how much they believe in something and to make a change. This may be a very naive view, but I'm not in the Government so I don't know. I know that now in Government they don't really happen much anymore, because just threatening that you will usually just stops the bill. Filibustering is a little bit of a more exciting and entertaining view of how our Government works, which first got me semi-interested in it. I remember watching and following former Senator Wendy Davis' filibuster about a Texas Abortion Bill, which placed even more restrictions on abortion regulations in Texas. It would ban any abortions after 20 weeks. In 1973, the Supreme Court Case, Roe v. Wade won. This made it constitutional to get an abortion. So only the Supreme Court can get rid of a Supreme Court ruling, but congress can weaken it. This was tried here. There have been many attempts made to weaken it by placing more and more restrictions on this ruling in their own states. However, then Senator Wendy Davis lost the filibuster for having three strikes of "breaking the filibuster rules." She couldn't drink, eat, use the restroom, or lean against her desk. So many people rallied around this woman. The hashtag #StandWithWendy was even used by the president. The bill eventually didn't pass. There is such a power that comes with filibustering and at the same time, there is an intense vulnerability. 

Here's an article about it:

Anyway, wow that sounded so serious and stuff. Let's end this with something cool like the phrase "on fleek" or going to concerts or texting. Peace out ma homies. C u l8er. Ttfn.

ps.Yes I know the title isn't that good of a pun. Leaf me alone. I'm not good at this. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

I'm knit sure I have too many puns left

Hey all! I'm having a great night! My winter break is extended because of the snow, I'm watching the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, eating ice cream, I just finished the hat for my other sister, and I'm continuing my bag project. How fun! I'm restarting the bag because I got the pattern wrong. Oh well. That's how it goes sometimes. The sweater will be the first thing on my New Year Knitting Plan. I will count this hat as a something I would wear in public. 1 down! Here's the completed hat I finished today.
Notice how I'm wearing the same sweater I wore very recently.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Purls Of Wisdom: New Year Plan

Hey hey hey! I'm making a knitting plan for the new year! Let's see how it goes.
Here's the plan:
Overall goal by the end of the year: get better at knitting

How I'm going to get there:
by pushing myself more. Making things I don't know I'm able to do.
Learn new techniques
learn different kinds of stitches

By the end of the year I want to :
1. Make 15  new items I haven't made before. (This can be different kind of stitches, a different item, etc.)
2. Learn 5  new kinds of stitches. (ex: brioche stitch, cable, seed stitch, etc.)
3. Make 3 somethings I would post on Instagram AND wear/use in public. (You don't have to post it on Instagram, but basically something you would be ok to be shown in the public).

I will try to share any successes and accomplishments on here. I think it's really important that I push myself with knitting. I might have to tighten up this goal at some point, but I am liking how it's starting. I already started making a bag from the book I picked up at the thrift store. It's kind of a complicated design, but I hope it works out ok. If not, that's ok! I'm trying. For awhile I'm going to take a break from making things for other people. I feel like I'm only comfortable doing that while making something I know I can do, and while I am pushing myself by trying to make multiple items that look similar, I'm not pushing myself in expanding my skills. I hope that I can accomplish this even though it can be hard to knit once school starts up again (I'm on winter break right now). I hope all my viewer had a good New Years. I did, thank you. You're welcome.

Me spacing out while knitting and watching TV
So classy

The bag I'm making. I LOVE THIS YARN.

I got this yarn at Goodwill. It was in a bag full of yarn for $5.