Friday, June 24, 2016

Thanks, YouTube

I learned how to work on double pointed needles! I got these like so long ago and then tried to learn how to knit on them and got super confused and gave up. But then I tried again and turned to our good friend, YouTube. YouTube is very very helpful. Then I stuffed it with cotton balls that I broke up then sewed up then bottom and wah-lah I made a cactus! I also bought a pot at Michael's for realistic feels. I love Michael's. I just went to Michael's the other day before I bought the pot and then I went today and I'm still not tired of it. I love Michael's a lot. I made this for my sister's college going away present because I saw a pattern for it or I had an idea for it and then looked up a pattern or something like that and I thought it would be perfect because you get the aesthetic of a cactus/succulent but not the hurting of it and the every once and awhile watering. People usually like succulent type plants for the aesthetic and the not having to water it often-ness. However, for this you don't have to water it ever and please don't water it ever. 
In Progress

Naked cactus

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