Sunday, July 31, 2016


Hey hey! I made this bag with a fire in intarsia on it. I want to make straps and stuff so it's more of a bag, but for some reason I want to move on. I'm not so happy about it. Like next to the fire it's a little messed up and the fire doesn't look so professional for some reason. Not that my work is professional. I'm in a bit of a small creative rut right now where I don't really feel like knitting so much. It happens every once in awhile. It's weird because pretty much all summer I was like "I want to knit all the time!" Is that ok? Like I feel like this happens to me whenever I do anything that I like. Especially if it's a creative thing. Like I don't really have any new ideas or have a lot of motivation to do the thing. Like I'll like to do the thing, but I won't be like excited to do it. Maybe I need to knit something new that I'll be excited about and then get back to this. Like this doesn't really look like something I would carry around. But then again, maybe that'll change and I'll start to love it and look over the imperfections! Who knows? 
Look who's on fire!!!
(not me. hahahahahaahhahahahahaha)

Friday, July 15, 2016

Needles To Say

I made a scarf! I made this for my friend who was visiting. If you read the post, you will be all caught up. My friend visited and we made each other scarves. I knitted her one and she crocheted me one. Here's the one I made! I took these pictures with my phone and not with the usual laptop camera. I started with 30 stitches and just used the knit stitch. It was pretty easy. I think I would have liked it to be longer, but I didn't have enough time. I made this in about 3 days. Like a couple of hours in those days, though. Does that make sense? I tried to keep a consistent pattern of the overlapping part of the stripes, but at like 2 parts I wasn't able to. Each stripe is about 7 rows I think. I forget. I also did a kind of ombre with the blue because I ran out of yarn. You can tell in the last picture. Also I didn't have enough time to weave in all the ties where I changed colors because she had to leave. I weaved in some of them, and then cut the other ones. This made it look a little less professional, but what can you do? The last picture is the final product. The rest of them are when I hadn't weaved in or cut the strands on the sides. But needles to say, I got to work on my speed and I think it looks pretty nice.
Maybe I should have a sign off. Bye!

Friendship Rules All

My very kind and loving friend just visited me and we made each other scarves! She crochet me this and I just wanted to make an appreciation post because this is beautiful and she made it in a span of about 3 days while we binge watched Friends. Right now it is about 1 AM and I really don't want to go to sleep right now. I can't wait for fall when I can wear scarves and be all cool on campus with this one and people will be like "where can I buy that rad scarf?" and I'll be like "Contact this person because this is handmade. I am not just contributing to the massive machine that is capitalism except for the price of the yarn and the crochet hook and the scissors and like she should be paid for her work if she wanted to because It's awesome." Capitalism is complicated. Economics is not black and white. Like ever. One time someone made me a quilt for my Bat Mitzvah and I love it so much. He also made my sisters their own quilt as well. He made three quilts! That's so cool. The only reason I don't keep it on my bed is because I'm worried that my cat, Sadie, will throw up on it. She throws up a lot. She actually hasn't in awhile. Oh no! Now I have to knock on wood or some superstitious thing. I used to be a really superstitious kid. Well kinda. Like I would be like "If that lady turns around when I count to ten then I will do well on my test." or like "I'll have a good partner in class if the next person who is called on has the first name of the letter a-f" or something like that. It was always pretty random. Is that a weird thing? Anyway, this friend and I met in Israel. Actually we met in the Toranto airport on the way to our Israel trip and became friends and then became really close. When she visited, I showed her a bunch of places I really like to go to near me. It was really fun!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


2nd try at intarsia! I think it looks pretty good. I made one mistake and the two tops are kind of uneven, but I think it generally looks nice! It's not the most symmetrical. I want to keep trying and I think when creating your own design you have to make two lines so you have one line to add on and another to create the actual design. Does that make sense?  I really want ice cream, but I already had some today like an hour ago. Also I went to Target and Rite Aid today. I wonder if college will be very isolating for me. I also wonder if I will be in debt for so long because I'm going to a 4 year private college. Also I'm tired, but I don't feel like going to sleep. I went out to get ice cream with the girl I'm nannying this summer. I've wanted to go out of the house for awhile with her because sometimes it's boring to just stay in the house all the time. I also wanted her to have fun too. She taught me some of her rhythmic gymnastics moves. It was fun. Tomorrow is my Mom's birthday. The day after that, my friend is coming to visit! I'm so excited. I'm going to pick her up from the airport like a real adult and a real friend. Just thinking about stuff. Also thinking about nothing and something. That's a great way to end this. Alrighty. Goodbye for now, viewer. May the force be with you.

The baaack

Monday, July 4, 2016

Positively did a bad job on something I made

I tried. I failed. I learned something new. I just learned how to do this technique called Intarsia and it's basically how to change colors and stuff to create a design. This blob was supposed to be another expression of my teenage angst. It was supposed to be a middle finger. It looks kinda like a fish. I did also make this whole thing at like 2:00 am so like yeah. However, I learned something new and I'm proud of myself. I was watching the last episode of this TV show called Girls when I was making this. Also this was my first attempt. It doesn't have a lot of holes, it generally looks kind of nice. Just the design doesn't look so good. I'm still proud of myself and will keep trying. Yay for trying and for giving myself support. YAS. Yesterday I went on a super long walk yesterday after feeling saaaaaad a lot and it felt really nice. What a nice moment of care for myself. WHooop!

You're supposed to weave all this stuff in and stuff like that after

Tank you very much COMPLETE

I finished the tank top! Whoo. This took a long time because I had to knit two different sides and then sew them together. I think it looks ok. Like it doesn't fit me that well. It's kinda big for me, so. I made one side bigger then the other. I like the way the neckline looks, even though it doesn't fit me that well. It was fun to make. Knitting secret: I ran out of yarn with the green side (it was originally going to be all green, but I didn't have enough green yarn) so that's why it's part green and part orange. Wasn't that a fun piece of trivia? Yes I know. I know. Take a look below:

Almost There!

Hey hey hey! I finished the 2nd half of the tank top. It's a little bit smaller because I used less stitches when casting on because I thought the last side seemed a little big for me and I was trying to fit it to my size and I don't really know how to do thaaaaat. I'm not good at math. I'm gonna talk more about it in the next post.