Hey hey! I made this bag with a fire in intarsia on it. I want to make straps and stuff so it's more of a bag, but for some reason I want to move on. I'm not so happy about it. Like next to the fire it's a little messed up and the fire doesn't look so professional for some reason. Not that my work is professional. I'm in a bit of a small creative rut right now where I don't really feel like knitting so much. It happens every once in awhile. It's weird because pretty much all summer I was like "I want to knit all the time!" Is that ok? Like I feel like this happens to me whenever I do anything that I like. Especially if it's a creative thing. Like I don't really have any new ideas or have a lot of motivation to do the thing. Like I'll like to do the thing, but I won't be like excited to do it. Maybe I need to knit something new that I'll be excited about and then get back to this. Like this doesn't really look like something I would carry around. But then again, maybe that'll change and I'll start to love it and look over the imperfections! Who knows?
Look who's on fire!!!
(not me. hahahahahaahhahahahahaha)