Monday, July 4, 2016

Positively did a bad job on something I made

I tried. I failed. I learned something new. I just learned how to do this technique called Intarsia and it's basically how to change colors and stuff to create a design. This blob was supposed to be another expression of my teenage angst. It was supposed to be a middle finger. It looks kinda like a fish. I did also make this whole thing at like 2:00 am so like yeah. However, I learned something new and I'm proud of myself. I was watching the last episode of this TV show called Girls when I was making this. Also this was my first attempt. It doesn't have a lot of holes, it generally looks kind of nice. Just the design doesn't look so good. I'm still proud of myself and will keep trying. Yay for trying and for giving myself support. YAS. Yesterday I went on a super long walk yesterday after feeling saaaaaad a lot and it felt really nice. What a nice moment of care for myself. WHooop!

You're supposed to weave all this stuff in and stuff like that after

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