Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sleeve #2 Done ft.Sadie < 3

 Well well well. Guess who made a sleeve in 48 hours? It was me! Suck it, world! Because of the speed, some of the quality may have been sacrificed. I always say quality over quantity, but in this case I have neither quality or quantity because I have only two sleeves. Yes, I do wear the same PJs two nights in a row. No, this is not lame. Guess who came to join me in my quest to knit a sweater? Sadie! My cat. Today I went to the dentist. I don't really like the dentist. It's snowing! I was supposed to go back to the dentist tomorrow, but now that's it's snowing I can't! Hahahahaha. This snow season has not canceled any plans that I didn't want to go to yet....until now! Mazel Tov to me! That's really at the core essence of snow season. It's not fun unless you get out of something that you didn't want to do. Winter break is almost over. I have about 5 days left. I'm almost done with my sweater, and I'm done with my zine. I have to make copies of my zine, though. I can't though because of the snow!!! I'm excited and nervous to go back to school, but I am not ready to be eyeballs deep in school work again. I am super pumped for my gender class, though. I am worried that I won't like it because I'm really excited. Wow. Pessimistic much, self? I saw the movie Jaws today. I have not seen this movie ever. I get the hype, but also I don't get it. It's good, but it's not the most amazing movie I've ever seen. I'm also almost done with reading the book The Glass Castle. It's a really good book! You should read it, viewer of this post. (That viewer being me, which I already am reading it so thanks for the suggestion anyway). I hope the two sleeves are the same length and look identical. I haven't checked yet. Whoops! Please enjoy pictures of me featuring my beautiful cat, Sadie! I love you, Sadie.

 Next day:

In love

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