Saturday, July 29, 2017


New project alert! I'm making a baby sweater. I wanted to make another sweater, but don't have enough time to make a full blown on. On my trip to DC, one of my friends was like "my grandma made baby sweaters for me and all the rest of her grandchildren" and I was like dis could be me as a grandma if I become one. When/if I become a Grandma I want to be called Grandmother Lucinda. These grandkids have to call my Grandmother Lucinda. I will not respond to anything else. I will also not explain this to them until they are 18 years old. They will have to deal with 18 years of confusion. The story is thus: My friend/roommate during DC told me the story of how she had to call her Grandmother Grandmother Lucinda all her life. Then when her cousins were born she let them call her Lulu. This made my roommate very angry because saying Grandmother Lucinda at a young age is hard, and her cousins got it easy! I also want this to be my college nickname. I think that will be my college goal. Somehow get everyone to call me Grandmother Lucinda. I am a pioneer. So I am making a sweater for a nonexistent baby and I want to be called Grandmother Lucinda. Good night, dear reader. 

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