Thursday, June 20, 2019

Big Ball of Yarn -> Blanket Part 2 (whoohoo!)

Hello, loyal reader. 'Tis I! Now that I've read a lot of Canterbury Tales I really know how to speak perfect Middle English, so don't get intimidated, ok?! Today you will see a series of photographs depicting a wild Sarit in her typical evening habitat. knitting in bed + watching TV. There is something so simple and comforting about pursuing this habit. However, it often makes me stay up late because I am just having too much of a blast. What are you gonna do, am I right? Additionally, these pictures do not have great lighting (when do they ever do?) and are just a wild time. As you may be able to see, I dyed some of my hair green since the photos in the last post. Additionally, (I really love using the word "additionally," don't I?) this blanket is significantly longer. In ADDITION to that last statement, I have added a word in this blanket! I have decided that just doing the rib stitch the whole way through is one way to make me very bored and I like making fun things and not boring things. So I decided I will intersperse the word "blanket" throughout this piece in order to keep myself interested in this sometimes arduous project and keep questions such as "what even is this?" and "how would you explain what you've made?" at bay. Due to a fun combination of summer time + an internship once a week + no paying job, I have been able to create much progress on this blanket. While I do not thrive in a structureless time frame (due to the rising feeling that I need to have control  in this world and work towards anything, I don't care, anything. Well, anything that is good, or at least not bad? Because I want to feel maybe I like have a purpose that is good?) it has helped me have a different perspective. Like now I have more time to work on this blanket and that is fun. I love knitting a lot!!!
"Blanket" word is brought to you by the knit one row + purl one row move and faire isle knitting. This is different than intarsia because I pull the yarn color throughout the piece, while intarsia is typically blocks of color. I think this is right. Anyway, this is so fun! On other blocks of color I'm going to write "Blanket" on them too. It'll be a whole bunch of "blankets!"

This says "Blanket." There is bad lighting. I promise you can read it. I think. 

it fits!

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